Hubei University of Economics Regulations on Employment and Management of foreign teachers (Translation)


Hubei University of Economics

Regulations on Employment and Management of foreign teachers



I. General

Article 1: To better formalize the employment and management of foreign teachers of Hubei University of Economics (hereinafter referred to as HBUE), and better engage foreign teachers to disciplinary construction, talent cultivation, and scientific research, this Regulation is formulated in accordance with relevant laws of the People's Republic of China and the real situation of the University.


Article 2: Foreign teachers (hereinafter referred to as FTs) in this regulation refer to those who are authorized by China Foreign Expert Affairs Bureau and China Entry and Exit Bureau to live and work in China and thereby employed by HBUE to do teach or research work at HBUE, including FTs teaching foreign language(s) and FTs teaching disciplinary subjects.


Article 3: The policies of hiring FTs shall be open, demand-based, qualification assured, with an optimized service and a classified management.


Article 4: FTs must abide by the laws and regulations of China, respect the folk customs and teachers’ professional ethics, and abide by the principle of separating education from religion. All the teaching contents and activities should be in line with China’s education policy and fundamental requirement, and should not damage China’s sovereignty, security, honor, and social and public interests.


Article 5: As FTs are an integral part of the faculty; they are under the same regulations as those on the full-time teachers.


II. Conditions and Procedures

Article 6: FTs should obtain necessary documents including work permit, residence permit and other professional certificate(s) required in this Regulation, in order to be eligible for being hired as the FT in HBUE.


Article 7: FTs should have qualified education background and teaching skills.


Those who teach foreign language(s) must have at least a bachelor’s degree and have been specifically trained and certified in language teaching, such as TESOL.


Those who teach disciplinary subjects (including English literature) and do research must have at least a bachelor's degree and 2 years or more work experience in education and teaching in relevant disciplines of the relevant educational institutions; those who teach in Chinese have to get a B or above in test level 3 of Putonghua Proficiency Test, or pass the HSK test and obtain an equal level certificate.


The foreign teachers who have obtained a doctor's degree or a teacher's qualification certificate of their state of nationality or a bachelor's degree or above in teaching and education can be exempted from the requirement of work experience in education.


Article 8: FTs must be in good physical and mental health with good behavior, having no criminal record and no record of diseases and behaviors that may affect the safety or physical or mental health of students, such as infectious diseases and mental disorders, sexual harassment, drug addiction, chronicle use of psychotropic drugs.


Article 9: The International Exchange & Cooperation Department shall apply to relevant administrative authorities for work permit and work-type residence permit for hired foreigners. In addition to the documents required for work permit application, FTs to be hired shall also submit relevant education and teaching qualification certificate(s) that meet the requirements of the above Article 7, as well as a document stating the reasons for employment and a personal commitment letter in compliance with Article 4 and Article 8 in this Regulation.


Article 10: The relevant schools shall, by December, submit to the International Exchange & Cooperation Department the demand for hiring FTs teaching foreign language(s) for the next academic year, and submit to the Personnel Department the demand for hiring FTs teaching disciplinary subjects for next academic year. The International Exchange & Cooperation Department and the Personnel Department shall review and revise, if necessary, the respective demand plan, and then formulate the University’s annual plan for hiring FTs, with approval of the Vice President.


Article 11: The International Exchange & Cooperation Department is the central management department of the University's foreign affairs, and is responsible for the foreign affairs review of all employed FTs. FTs teaching foreign language(s) are hired by the International Exchange & Cooperation Department, and FTs teaching disciplinary subjects are hired by the Personnel Department.


III. Service and Management

Article 12: The International Exchange & Cooperation Department is responsible for publicizing the name, nationality and other basic information of FTs employed by the school on its official website, unless otherwise regulated by the authority.


Article 13: The International Exchange & Cooperation Department is responsible for the contract management of FTs teaching foreign language(s), and the Personnel Department is responsible for the contract management of FTs teaching disciplinary subjects.


Article 14: The International Exchange & Cooperation Department is responsible for the organization of FTs’ induction session. For those who employed for the first time, on-job training should be organized which shall include China’s constitution, relevant laws, national conditions, teachers’ professional ethics, educational policies and teaching skills, etc.


Article 15: The Academic Affairs Department is responsible for managing the daily teaching-related affairs and coordinating the curriculum and teaching arrangement for FTs, ensuring the teaching quality.


Article 16: The relevant schools are responsible for the daily teaching and scientific research management of FTs, including: making specific teaching policies, arranging, implementing, inspecting and assessing FTs’ teaching and research work. The relevant schools are also responsible for providing necessary working conditions and supervising FTs on their professional ethics. In case of any illness, the schools should contact the International Exchange & Cooperation Department and assist FT to seek for medical treatment.


Article 17: If the FT size reaches a certain level, the school can appoint a dedicated full-time teacher as the FT supervisor taking responsibilities of FT’s teaching work and daily management. The school shall pay the FT supervisor with the allowance approved by the Personnel Department and Finance Department.


Article 18: The Logistics Department and appointed Property Management Company are responsible for providing FTs with property management service such as water and electricity, cleaning and maintenance.


Article 19: The Security Department shall regularly check the fire-fighting and anti-theft facilities in the FTs’dormitory. The Security Department also needs to regularly coordinate with the International Exchange & Cooperation Department to ensure the FT’s safety and their safety precautions.


Article 20: FTs should be informed ahead of time about the established legal holidays and the regular winter and summer vacations stipulated by the school as they will also follow such vacation schedules.


If FTs travel or attend parties during the vacations, they should report the destination, itinerary and return time to the International Exchange and Cooperation Department in advance, and obtain approval before departure. FTs should report to the International Exchange & Cooperation Department one month ahead of time if case of any of their relatives is coming to visit. The International Exchange & Cooperation Department will assist them to go through the relevant formalities according to the regulations.


For sick leaves, FTs have to go through certain formalities at his or her school by bringing the prescription of a doctor from the designated hospital.


Article 21: All foreign emergent affairs shall be dealt with in accordance with HBUE Response Plan for Emergent Foreign Affairs.

IV. Assessment and Supervision

Article 22: The International Exchange & Cooperation Department is responsible for the foreign affairs assessment of all FTs employed by the University. The assessment for FTs teaching foreign language(s) shall be organized by the International Exchange & Cooperation Department, and the assessment for FTs teaching disciplinary subjects shall be organized by the Personnel Department.


Article 23: During the contract period, FTs should abide by Chinese laws and the contract, conduct teaching with high quality and professional ethics, which shall be reflected in the assessment. The International Exchange & Cooperation Department is responsible for reporting to the superior authorities and recording it in the National Comprehensive Information Service Platform for Foreign Teachers.


Article 24: The International Exchange & Cooperation Department and relevant schools and departments should carry out regular supervision on the behavior of foreign teachers.


Article 25: In case of any of the following circumstances, the FT shall be dismissed, and the International Exchange & Cooperation Department shall report to the superior authority and record it in the credit record of the foreign teacher:

1 Words and deeds that damage China's national sovereignty, security, honor and social and public interests;

2 Being prosecuted for criminal liabilities;

3 Hindering the implementation of university’s education policy;

4 Taking drugs or conducting any other deeds that violate the Public Security Administration Regulations

5 Sexual assault or maltreatment of minors;

6 Illegally engaging in religious education or missionary work;

7 Engaging in cult activities;

8 Sexual harassment of students or other serious violations of China's public order and teachers’ ethics and code of conduct;

9 Providing false information in the process of applying for working in China;

(10) Having 3 or more of the following dishonest records accumulatively: serious academic misconduct; illegally engaged in paid work outside the school; violating the rules and regulations of the University; leaving without agreement before the expiration of the employment contract.


V. Supplementary Articles

Article 26

(1) The regulations on short-term foreign teachers shall be implemented in the same way.

(2) The department of International Exchange and Cooperation Office has the final say on the interpretation of the present regulation.

(3) As soon as the present regulation comes into effect, the previous HBUE Foreign Teachers Regulations will be no longer valid.
