Law student party general branch held October branch theme party day

In order to further implement the important spirit of the fourth Party Congress of the university and guide the deployment of follow-up work, on the evening of October 29, all party members of the Party general Branch of law School students held the October branch theme Party Day and Party affairs meeting in the 403 Conference room of Zhixing Building. Entrusted by the student General Party branch secretary Li Jun teacher, deputy secretary of the student General Party branch Comrade Peng Dayang presided over the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Peng Daiyang led all the participating comrades to review the oath of party membership, and on behalf of the general branch committee to report to all party members in October branch work. He said that as a Communist party member, we should always stay true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind, always be disciplined and always put the collective first. The student Party Branch always adheres to the fundamental principle of having both political integrity and ability, and taking morality as the priority as the development of party members. The student Party Branch must resolutely implement the instruction spirit of the Party Committee of the University and develop party members strictly and excellently in an all-round way, and constantly realize self-innovation.

CAI Tingting comrade on the school party congress party committee work report to share learning experience. She said that the full text of the report, rich in connotation, a comprehensive summary of the third party congress since the overall work, and the school's next stage of development direction, planning blueprint.

As a student party member, to strengthen as hardcore scholastic self-knowledge, active blend in their future development to the school development, conscientiously strengthen the consciousness of four , four confidence, two maintenance, in colleges, two levels of party committees, under the strong leadership of unshakable will serve the people wholeheartedly pledge into action, into effect.

The meeting focused on learning the spirit of the school's fourth Party Congress, and further specific arrangements for the next stage of work.
