Haijun FANG was invited to attend the symposium on Social Law and the Modernization of Public Health Emergency Governance system and Governance ability held in Beijing


    April 17-18, 2021, sponsored by the China Society of Social Law, the special seminar on Social Law and the Modernization of Public Health Emergency Governance system and Governance ability sponsored by the Law School of the Central University of Finance and Economics and the Law School of the China University of Labor Relations was solemnly held in the Chinese Workers' Home in Beijing. This meeting invited theoretical and practical experts and scholars from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Wuhan University, Jilin University and other well-known universities to discuss the topic of Public Health Emergency Governance system and Governance capability Modernization. Haijun FANG from the Law School of Hubei University of Economics was invited to attend this meeting and give a keynote report.

    The seminar was conducted in the form of a keynote report and a sub-forum report. Haijun Fang was invited to give a keynote report on the medical insurance burden of medical expenses during the epidemic period in the first unit of the sub-forum. First of all, he compared the medical insurance burden policy of treatment expenses issued by the state during the SARS epidemic and COVID-19 epidemic, and combed the current situation of the main policies of medical insurance to bear the expenses during the epidemic period. furthermore, it responds to the compliance of the current policy from the provisions of the upper laws such as the Social Insurance Law and the Law on the Prevention and treatment of Infectious Diseases, and then combines the legal principle and institutional logic of medical insurance payment. This paper makes a legal review of the practice of medical insurance to bear medical expenses during the epidemic, and finally combines the realistic basis of China's current medical assistance system and disease emergency relief system. Also, his paper puts forward a clear train of thought of system adjustment to the problem of medical insurance bearing epidemic expenses in public health emergencies.
