Wan Ziqi, a student of our college, was awarded the Shengcai E-book Scholarship

   (Correspondent: Mei Tianqi & Wan Ziqi)On December 31, the award ceremony of Shengcai E-book Scholarship was held. Ni Yanhui, general Manager of Shengcai E-books (Wuhan) Co., Zhang Yilin, a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the University, responsible person of relevant functional departments, award-winning students and student representatives are all attended. Wan Ziqi was awarded the Shengcai E-book Scholarship.

Wan ziqi's outstanding achievements in school are as follows:

In her spare time, she pay attention to current affairs and politics, systematically study the theoretical achievements of Marxism and Sinicization. In June 2018, she was selected as a student of the Young Marxist Training project in Hubei Province. She received theoretical training in the Party School of Hubei Province, went to the government of Liurenba Town, Huangshi City for practice, visited poor families to learn about people's livelihood.And she entered the Hope Home project and carried out volunteer teaching. During the two years of National Day, she went to guangxi and guizhou provinces to take part in the field teaching of remarching the long march, and went to the holy land of the revolution, yan 'an, to learn the 13-year history of the CPC central committee in yan 'an and tell good red stories by practice.

In terms of learning, she went to Suzhou, Jiangsu province to investigate the social financing system of ecological compensation in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin, and distributed more than 1,000 questionnaires. Her team's paper was awarded the provincial Award of Excellence by The Environmental Law Institute of Hubei Province Law Society. She was mainly responsible for the successful publication of scientific research projects in provincial journals, and participated in the establishment of the project Empirical Analysis of Influencing Factors of Rural Residents Avoidance of Medical Treatment, which was successfully concluded in April 2019.

In terms of life, she served as a league cadre for four years and assisted teachers to pay close attention to the construction of school style and daily management of law school.In her daily life, she organize and carry out the activities of National Constitution Day, publicize the spirit of constitution to the whole school; she organized and held the first law school student Congress; she assisted in the smooth implementation of large university-level activities such as the 2018 May 4th commendation and the 8th Awards for Students of The School of Economicsthe 2019 Welcome Party for new Studentsthe Annual Conference of Environment and Resources Law of Hubei Province the Social Investigation Contest and so on. She has also presided over the New era, New youth and New action tour in Hubei Province, widely recognized and praised by teachers and students.

In terms of ambition, she take an active part in the Love Me Thousand Lakes volunteer service for lake protection in Hubei Province in 2018 to protect tangxun Lake. She has served as a volunteer of Little Orange Lantern to help the Spring Festival travel rush and taken participate in voluntary activities such as blood donation and carry forward the spirit of voluntary service. She has also participate in all kinds of recreational and sports activities, with the spirit of hard work and a sense of cooperation actively enterprising.
