Opening Ceremony for First Ancient Chinese Literature Class and Traditional Poetry Recitation Contest Held Successfully


Liu Yuzhu

The opening ceremony for first Ancient Chinese Literature Class and traditional poetry recitation contest was held in the International Academic Conference Center,December 21st. Distinguished guests attended the event including Professor Lu Xiaocheng, Professor He Huigang, both are vice president of Hubei University of Economics. Professor Wang Zhaopeng, Professor Wu Qixing, both are consultants of Traditional Chinese Culture and Philosophy Research Center. Professor He Huigang delivered a speech at the ceremony,several teachers of Ancient Chinese Literature Class attended the ceremony and served as judges of recitation contest.

Professor He Huigang was delivering speech

Professor Wang Yuankun,Dean of school of Journalism and communication officiate at the Opening Ceremony.Professor He Huigang said, with the construction of Traditional Chinese Culture and Philosophy Research Center,Hubei University of Economics will strive for 5 to 10 years to cultivate influential provincial academic research team, let the Chinese excellent traditional culture rooted in campus, become the source and motive for our construction of first-class campus culture. Professor Wu Qixing introduced the origins of ancient Chinese literature studies, the research methods of ancient Chinese literature studies,and gave hope to the Ancient Chinese Literature Class. Doctor Liu Zhiqing, the executive director of the Traditional Chinese Culture and Philosophy Research Center, introduced the basic situation of the Ancient Chinese Literature Class from four aspects: the background, the curriculum setting, the institution setting and the practice tutor.Tang Zhongqiu, party secretary of School of Journalism and communication, introduced the background and aim of the Ancient Chinese Literature Class. Wang Zhaopeng, Wu Qixing, Zhong Yiming, Wei Kaigong, Zhang Chuanbin, Chen Minghua, Liu Chengbo, Chen Yi and other teachers awarded 40 students of the first Ancient Chinese Literature Class admissions certificates .

The traditional poetry recitation contest is divided into three parts: talent display, contest sessions and guest performance. The contest sessions including "Ballad" "Chosun" "Cursive" and "Prelude To Water Melody".According to the judges scoring, "Cursive" chanted by Yang Jizhong and others won the first prize, "Chosun" won the second prize, "Ballad" "Prelude To Water Melody" won the thirdprize.

After the contest, Mr. Wei Kaigong,teacher of the Traditional Chinese Culture and Philosophy Research Center, the general manager of Calligraphy Newspaper Company ,performed erhu solo "river water". The delegates from the Wind and Cloud Speech Association recited  preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng, pushed the contest to a climax. Professor Wang Zhaopeng from School of Journalism and communication, South-Central University For Nationalities commented every contestant.He also improvised singing Du Fu's "climb" and Su Shi's "Jiangcheng Zi" in Eastern Hubei dialect.He suggested classical poetry recitation shall not be confined to the Mandarin,sometimes it is preferable to recite poetry in tune .

Professor Wang Zhaopeng was commenting every contestant

The Ancient Chinese Literature Class was formally established in 2017 and was an open elective course for all students. The first 40 students were selected, they will complete 18 credits in $ semesters according to the training plan. The syllabus is divided into three categories: classic, applied and practical courses. The Class aims to enable students to learn and interpret the Chinese traditional code, so that they can have rich knowledge of Chinese culture and humanistic quality, and be able to continuously enrich and deepen their professional learning.

