"Dreamcatcher" Directed By Professor Li Bo Won The "My dream,my fate" Award

On the evening of November 8, the award ceremony of the 6th Golden Swallow Cross-strait Micro -flim Competition hosted by Hubei University Of Economics was grandly held at the College Student Activity Center.

After the selection, "Dreamcatcher" directed by Li Bo, the industry professor of the college of journalism and communication, won the "My dream,my fate" award, and the actor He Jiajun won the best actor award.The film "Stranded Man" directed by college of creative media of Kunshan University of Technology in Taiwan and The Third Backdirected by Chongqing Jiaotong University won the Silver Swallow award; “The Last Memory” directed by Kainan University in Taiwan, “Pick Up Love” directed by Ming Chuan Universityin Taiwan,“Swallow’s return” directed by Wuhan University of Communication won the "Bronze Swallow" award.

It is understood that since our school hosted the event, our college has participated in theevent for 3 consecutive years, organized and participated in the competition and the works have been shortlisted and award-winning.
