Lv Zhongmei Elected as President of the 2nd C A A

2nd CAA

On November 7th and 8th, the 2nd General Assembly of Alumni  Association of Hubei University of Economics was held in International  Academic Exchanging Center. Alumni representatives and leaders from each  department, all together 60 people attended the congress. Zhou Yuanwu,  the Secretary of CPC Committee addressed the meeting, Zheng Shende the  executive Vice President of the 1st Council, Liang Qiande the previous  cadre of the college, Yang Zerong the previous vice cadre of college  also attended the General Assembly. The assembly was presided over by  Yang Xiaobo, the Vice President of the 1st Council.

At the meeting, Zheng Shende, on behalf of the 1st Council, gave a  report on the work of the 1st Council of Alumni Association of HBUE. He  reviewed the main jobs done by Alumni Association and stated the  arrangement of the jobs to be done in next stage. Zhu Lei, the director  of finance department gave a report on the financial management of the  1st Council of Alumni Association of Hubei University of Economics. The  General Assembly examined and approved the“Administer Method of Alumni  Fund of Hubei University of Economics”.

In the General Assembly, the 2nd Council of Alumni Association was elected:

President: Lv Zhongmei;

Executive Vice Presidents: Liang Qiande, Yang Zerong, GaoYongge;

Vice Presidents: Sun Kai, Bie Shiliang, Jiang Chaorui, Du Mingchun, Tang Shuangbiao, Xu Feng;

Chief Secretary: Yan Junhua;

Standing Council: Tang Dongyang and other 114 alumni.

Zhou Yuanwu, on behalf of the faculty, extended his warm welcome to  alumni’s coming back and gratitude for the support. He pointed out that  the 1st Council have done a fundamental and pioneering job thus the new  council can enjoy a good condition to continue the unfinished career. He  also emphasized that the alumni should make good use of the platform so  as to stimulate the development of the organization and promote the  jobs to go onto a new stage.

Source: Office of Alumni
