Professor Huang Zhonglian Appointed as HBUE Visiting Professor

  Professor Huang Zhonglian, a doctorial advisor of Heilongjiang  University was appointed as a visiting professor in the School of  Foreign Languages, HBUE. Vice-president, Prof. Qi Laying issued the  letter of appointment.

  Professor Huang gave a lecture on “Chinese Translation: Distressed  or Touched?” According to him, “Translator should learn both from  ancient Chinese prose and real life.”

  Profile: Huang Zhonglian, is a doctorial advisor of Heilongjiang  University and Xi’an International Studies University, dean of Institute  for Translation Science, translation theorist, founder of Translation  Variation Theory, scientific translation, and applied translation  studies. He is also a member of Translation and Teaching Committee and  Translation of Science and Technology Committee in TAC, a visiting  professor of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He is a  specially-appointed professor of “Longjiang Scholar” in Heilongjiang  Province and “Hundred Scholars Project” as well as a talent in “Six in  One Group” project, as well as the major judge in the appraisal group of  National Social Science Fund Subject. He has presided over 3 social  science projects at the national level and 6 at the ministerial level.  His works and papers are published in various journals. He won the 6th  Humanities and Social Science Achievement of Education Ministry.
