Professor Sun Yongping Attended China (Shenzhen) Global Climate Video Show 2020 (Fifth Edition)

On November 14, China (Shenzhen) Global Climate Video Show 2020 (Fifth Edition) was held in Shenzhen. The meeting was organized by China Science and Technology Association and Shenzhen Municipal Government, and hosted by the Propaganda Department of Shenzhen Municipal Committee, Shenzhen Science and Technology Association, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports, Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Education, China Association of Science, Education, Film and Television, and Shenzhen Biao Xin Science Popularization Institute (Shenzhen Hangdu Cultural Investment Co., Ltd.). Xu Guanhua, a fellow with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and former chief of the Ministry of Science and Technology; Zhou Jian, former deputy chief of the former Ministry of Environmental Protection; Lu Xinming, Vice Director of the Division of Climate Change Management, the Ministry of Ecological Environment; Yuan Jiashuang, Vice Director of the Division of Science and Climate Change, China Meteorological Administration; Liu Jianzhong, former Director of the Film Division, the former State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television; Wu Ping, Director of Climate Policy Research Office, Resources and Environment Institute, Development Research Centre, the State Council; Xu Jian, former Chinese Ambassador to Poland; Dr. Gauden Galea, WHO representative to China; Yvo de Boer, the former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Liu Zhongqin, Party Committee Secretary of China Land Economics Society; Lin Xiang, Party Leadership Group Secretary of Shenzhen Science and Technology Association, and Vice Chairman of the meeting; and He Qing, CRI Vice President attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

The theme of the video show is climate change and green recovery. Contents include two parallel forums “climate change and corporate environmental responsibility” and “climate risk and management thereof”, and a science popularization sharing concerning technical solutions to climate change.

Sun Yongping, Vice Dean of the School of Low Carbon Economics, and Executive Vice Director of Carbon Emission Trading and Hubei Collaborative Innovation Centre attended the meeting. During the “climate risk and management thereof” roundtable forum, Professor Sun as a special guest made a report on extreme weather conditions such as floods and torrential rainfall caused by climate changes and the impact on cities along the Yangtze River Economic Belt; and delivered a briefing on carbon markets of Hubei and other provinces and their significance on climate risk management. He also had productive discussions with the audience on the relationships between climate change, green energies, biodiversity, human health, etc. as well as the direct and indirect impacts of climate change on human life.

The first edition of China (Shenzhen) Global Climate Video Show with climate change as theme was held in 2015 and jointly created by the Division of Climate Change Management, the Ministry of Ecological Environment, the Division of Science and Climate Change, China Meteorological Administration, relevant video production companies, and Shenzhen Biao Xin Science Popularization Institute (Hangdu Culture). Purpose of the meeting is to raise the public’s awareness of climate change through video evaluation, professional forums, science popularization lectures, public video screening, skill studio, etc.; to communicate China and other nations’ responses to climate changes; and to report current conditions, challenges, actions and achievements concerning biodiversity, environment management and marine protection. The public is urged to take actions against climate changes, reduce energy consumption and carbon emission, lead a green life, work for the shared future of humankind, and protect the Earth. As a highlight of Shenzhen Science Video Screening Week, the meeting has been included on the Shenzhen Urban Culture List and designated as an excellent example in the whitepaper China’s Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change jointly released by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Ecological Environment for three years on end (2017, 2018 and 2019). Representatives of the organizing committee of the meeting were invited to join the Chinese Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference for five years on end (2015-2019) and presented China’s responses to climate changes. 
