Professor Yang zili from state university of New York at binghamton came to visit us

On the afternoon of June 13, 2019, the keynote lecture of Nobel Prize Winning DICE/RICE Models -- Their Structures and Applications was held in lecture hall j5-2 of our school. Professor Yang zili, professor of economics at the state university of New York at binghamton and doctor of economics at Yale university, was the keynote speaker. Faculty and students of the school of low carbon economics, members of the PI team and other interested faculty and students of the school attended the meeting.Professor Yang zili is mainly engaged in resource and environmental economics, energy economics, climate change economics, and applied game theory. In collaboration with William d. Nordhaus, a professor at Yale university who won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economic sciences, Yang zili developed the most influential comprehensive assessment model for climate change (RICE model) worldwide, which has been published in major journals such as the American Economic Review. The RICE model and its derivatives have been widely used in the reports of the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). Professor Yang has independently developed a research method that combines the concepts and algorithms of numerical solutions of game theory with comprehensive assessment models of climate economy. He is the first scholar in the world to introduce non-cooperative game solutions and cooperative game solutions into large-scale comprehensive evaluation model. He was the leading modeler of the EPPA model at the MIT energy lab in the 1990s.
