Bronze Medal Awarded to Class Youth League Branch

In February, the Youth League branch of International Business Class 1941 was awarded a provincial-level bronze medal by the Students’ Lecture Room for its outstanding performance in the previous year for learning and promoting Xijinping Thought on Socialism With Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

The school league committee responded actively to the call of the organizing committee and carried out careful organization. By resorting to platforms such as Sunday evening subject evaluations and Lectures by Teachers, Alumna and Friends, the school youth league committee undertook a subject education campaign on “learning the CPC’s history, following the CPC and strengthening convictions”. By fostering excellent lecturers of Students’ Lecture Room, organizing outstanding mini youth league classes, vitalizing youth league branches and telling CPC stories by league members, the school Youth League Committee has achieved good results in guiding students to learn CPC history, strengthening their conviction and determination to follow CPC leadership. 
