17th Canglong Forum held by School

On the morning of October 14, 2021, a Canglong Forum, the 17th in 2021, was held in the 2nd lecture hall of No. 5 teaching building. Professor Fan Hongzhong from the School of Economics of Huazhong University of Science and Technology delivered a keynote speech, Chinese Culture and the Past, Present and Future of the Chinese Economy.

By defining culture in detail and delving into the structure of Chinese culture, Professor Fan develops a rigorous analytical framework to analyze the impact of culture on economic development. By using the analytical framework, Professor Fan illustrates fully the past and present of the Chinese economy and offers views on its future and the challenges it has to tackle. Professor Fan’s research not only answers the call of Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC central committee, to develop economics with Chinese characteristics in an innovative way, but also serves as a strong support for the enhancement of Chinese people’s confidence in their culture.

At the end of the lecture Professor Fan interacted with the teaching staff and postgraduate students from the school.  
