School Leaders Visit Freshman Dormitories

On September 11 freshmen made their registration and began their college life. In order to help the newly enrolled students adapt to the new circumstances on campus as soon as possible, school leaders led by the school party secretary Nie Chuntian went to the school’s freshman dormitories and interacted with the schools freshmen.

Cordial talks covered topics on where the students are from, how their registration go and how they feel about the university. The school leaders also made a careful check on the dormitory facilities and communicated with the university property management company to send maintenance workers to fix malfunctioning facilities.

The school leaders told the freshmen to take good care of their valuables, pay attention to their safety and guard against fraud. Freshmen were suggested to learn to be integral, hard working and self-dependent and they were also advised to help and supervise another to achieve mutual understanding and common progress.

To encourage the freshmen to have a meaningful college life, Nie Chuntian, the school party secretary, said,  “You are the hope of the School of Economics and International Trade and also the hope of Hubei University of Economics. I hope you can adapt to university life as soon as possible, play the due role as college students and make relentless efforts to achieve your aspirations.”

The warm conversations not only make the freshmen feel at home and drive away their homesickness but also let them feel the parental care from the school. The freshmen expressed their sincere acknowledgment and said they will try their utmost to meet the expectations of the university, the society and their families.
