Young Scholars Forum Academic Salon Healthy Environment and Family Population Group to Carry Out Academic Aalon Activities

On the afternoon of November 11th,The Young Scholars Forum of our college launched an online academic salon. Teacher Wang Jianming gave a report on the working paper on the relationship among environment, tourism and economic development.The purpose of this study is to use time series technology to study five important tourist arrival areas, including France, Spain, the United States, China and Italy, and to use the data from 1995 to 2018 to understand the impact of inbound tourism development on the environment.Therefore, the newly developed cointegration test is applied to Bootstrap autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) framework to test cointegration relationship.In France, the United States and China, when carbon emissions become dependent variables, evidence of cointegration is found.In the short-term relationship, the empirical results confirm that the development of tourism and economic growth in China are complementary, and there is a two-way relationship between economic growth and carbon dioxide emission.Granger causality confirms that carbon emissions from tourism development to the United States and Italy are unidirectional.The sustained growth of tourism has played a vital role in the economic growth of France and China.It seems that the development of tourism promotes the sustainability of the environment.The research results have important policy significance for the environmental quality and the growth of tourism development market in top tourism development countries.Among them, Mr. Huang Can pointed out whether it is inbound consumption or just the number of arrivals. This paper adopts the number of arrivals, because of the availability of data, only the number of arrivals can be used as an estimated variable.Teacher Liu Yafei proposed whether carbon emission is an industry focused on tourism, because the carbon emission of industrial categories cannot be collected and classified, so this paper adopts total carbon emission.
