The School of Economics and Trade Carried Out Academic Salon Activities of Young Scholars Forum

The Institute of Economics and Trade carried out academic salon activities of young scholarsforum on Nov.29th, 2019.Mr. Zhang and Mr. Xing, professors of the School of International Economics and Trade gave speeches in this activity. More than 30 members including scholars from the young scholars forum and teachers interested in this topic attended the activity.

Mr. Zhang reported his research result entitled "Scarcity——How We Fall into Poverty and Busyness", which introduces the achievements of this year's Nobel Prize in economics on the experimental economics of poverty.

Mr. Xing delivered a report named International Space Spillover and Total Factor Productivity of Service Industry. In this report, he builds a Spatial stochastic frontier analysis modelcombining with the spatial econometric model and stochastic frontier analysis method.A heated discussionon the specific estimation method was generated among teachers.
