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Student Yang Tianping won the First Prize of the National English Speech Contest (Hubei Area)


On October 30, the 2021 FLTRP · Guocai Cup National English Speech Hubei Contest FINAL was held in Hubei University. Yang Tianping of English class Q1841 of HBUE won the First Prize.


The Final Contest consists of three parts. In the first part, the contestants gave a three minute fixed topic speech Red Star over China, an unfinished story; In the second part, the contestants gave a three minute impromptu speech; In the third part, the contestants spent two minutes answering the judges' questions. Yang Tianping won unanimous praise from the judges for her standard pronunciation and intonation, solid language expression ability, good psychological quality and confident attitude.


Yang Tianping served as a office assistant in the International Exchange & Cooperation Department of the University. She said that the experience of volunteer expanded her international vision and improved her academic performance.
