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HBUE in carbon trade market


A national carbon emission trading market was launched on the 16th of July. The average trading price on the first day of the national carbon market was 51.23 yuan per ton, and the trading volume was 4.104 million tons. Also, the turnover is over 210 million yuan. The first 30·60 International Conference and the first carbon market forum are hosted by the People’s Government of Hubei Province and undertaken by the People’s Government of District, Hubei University of Economics and other organizations. The experts and scholars of our school expressed their views, which attracted wide attention from many media such as Hubei Daily, media Daily, Hubei Province, Wuhan Municipal People’s Government Network etc. The elements of Hubei University of Economics shine in each link of carbon trading market construction.


Wen Xingsheng, secretary of the Party Committee of the university, attended the round table meeting in “the First 30·60 International Conference”. He pointed that the national carbon market is an important policy tool for achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Our school has always attached great importance to the construction of carbon market and the green and low-carbon transformation development of local economy, integrated the resources of the university, and embodied the responsibilities of the school in personnel training, discipline construction, scientific research and social services.


He introduced that the institute of Low-carbon Economics of our school adopts the operation mode of “college + center”, and has become the first university in China to train professionals in the Economics of Climate Change at the undergraduate level. Relying on advantageous disciplines, the university vigorously builds the interdisciplinary direction of climate change economics. The university has established the first specialized academic journal in the field of environmental economy in China, “Environmental Economic Research”, and held the “International Symposium on Market-oriented Green and Low-carbon Development” for seven consecutive years. The faculty has high academic productivity. They have published more than 100 papers in authoritative academic journal such as Science and Economic Research. They have undertaken more than 150 scientific research projects at all levels, including major projects funded by the National Social Science Fund, with an investment of over 20 million yuan. The school pays close attention to social services, has carried out more than 30 carbon trading related capacity building training, submitted proposals at all levels of the NPC and CPPCC, decision-making advisory reports, among which 20 has been adopted by the government.


Wen Xingsheng pointed out that our school will actively provide talents and smart guarantees for the stable and long-term development of the national carbon market. The school has established and refined a carbon-neutral talent training system, and strives for the implementation of masters and doctoral degrees in climate change economics, and conducting consistent training of bachelor’s, master’s and doctor’s degree. Also, our school has developed the carbon neutral talent training mode, and cooperated with carbon exchanges and verification institutions to train carbon traders and carbon verifiers and other specialized talents. Do high-quality academic researches to provide policy references for the decision makers. Endeavor to build capacity and provide market-oriented capacity building services for local government enterprises and institutions.


Refer to Wen Xingsheng’s address of the first Carbon Market Forum, Chinese construction of the Carbon Market is not just about China, but also undertake the mission of providing Chinese solutions to build a global carbon market, especially in developing countries. The pilot carbon market in Hubei Province has been at the forefront of the country and attracted world’s attention. Now China’s carbon emission right registration system has also been settled in Wuhan, becoming the most important carbon emission trading data center in the country and even the world. Hubei Province has made significant contributions to the construction of pilot carbon market and even the national carbon market.


He stressed that the school of Low-carbon Economics Institute has been set up, which is the first university in China to train talents in the economics of climate change at undergraduate level. At the social influence of collaborate innovation center and Low-carbon Economics Institute is growing day by day. Our school will intensify efforts in the future to establish a scientific highland of climate change economics, high-level innovation team and talents training base with prominent characteristic, which is based in Hubei, radiating the whole country and have certain influence in the world, to make due contributions to the development of the national carbon market and the realization of the national double carbon targets.


Lu Xiaocheng, standing member of the party committee and vice president, presided over the first half of the first Carbon Market Forum. Professor Sun Yongping, executive vice president of the school of Low carbon Economics and Executive Deputy Director of Hubei Collaborative Innovation center of Carbon Emission Trading, presided over the second half of the first Carbon Market Forum and delivered a speech entitled “Theoretical Innovation, Practical Achievements and Future Prospects of Hubei Carbon Market”.


In recent years, our school’s contribution to the carbon trading market has been repeatedly reported by the media. On Oct.27, 2020, Guangming Daily published a front-page article titled “Hubei University of Economics and its explorations in the operating mechanism of Carbon Market”, to introduce the experience of HBUE. On Jun.22, 2021, it invited scholars of HBUE to participate in the Bright Youth Forum entitled “Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutral Economic Interpretation” to pass on the wisdom of the HBUE. Professor Sun Yongping was interviewed by China Environment News on Mar.29,2021, with the headline “Why Hubei can do Carbon Trading well”. Party media and journals such as Hubei Daily and Yangtze River Daily have invited experts and scholars from our school to the Hubei carbon trading market to express their opinions on many occasions. Our school has taken the first step ahead of others in the construction of the carbon market and the green and low-carbon transformation of the local economy.


The national “Carbon Trading” market was launched this time, and the elements of HBUE was even more shinning in various mainstream media reports.


On July 16, Hubei Daily wechat official account launched “the National Carbon Trading Market has just gone live”. Hubei Provincial People’s government network made the same report. The wechat official account of Wuhan Municipal People's Government released the world's largest carbon Market opens today, ranking first in China in two indicators, and Wuhan, Hubei Province, is striving to become a carbon trading big data center. Hubei Ecological environment wechat public account launched “Hubei carbon helps green rise”, And Target news wechat public account launched a report named Big bang! The world's largest carbon market opens today, and major media in the province have focused on the launch of the carbon trading market.


On July 17, the major media in the province rolled out in-depth series reports. Hubei Daily carried out a series of reports with the title of Focus on the Launch of the National Carbon Market, in which the fifth edition of the article China's first Low-carbon College graduates are in highly demand, may add master's or Doctor's degree of Low-carbon focused on the talent cultivation mode in our university of low-carbon Economics. The Changjiang Daily carried out a series with the title of Accelerating the Building of the Five Centers and Promoting the Double Improvement of Urban Energy level and Quality”. In the third edition, article “The National Academician experts commented on Reaching carbon peak and Carbon Neutrality and offered suggestions for the green undertakings. Our University has contributed to the talents cultivation for the steady and long-term development of the national carbon market.
