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Induction of University’s international exchange programs held in Freshmen’s orientation


On October 2 and 3, two international program coordinators from the International Exchange & Cooperation Department attended the orientation induction for freshmen student at the auditorium of the university. During the induction session, teachers from the international office introduced to new students the basic situation of International exchanges of the university, current overseas partners and the popular overseas study programs, which was then followed by a more detailed introduction of the exchange programs including short-term, middle-term and long-term as well as MOE approved joint education programs etc. Many pictures and experiences from the previous exchange students were shared with the audience.


Students were very interested in school’s international exchange programs. “Through this induction session, we have understood more about university’s overseas programs, and we as students are very encouraged by the school in joining those programs as the university provides academic, financial and many other kinds of support.”, says one freshman from the School of Finance.

This was the third time that the International Exchange & Cooperation had been added up to the freshmen orientation induction session. Moreover, international students also joined the session to facilitation the presentation, raising more popularity among students.
