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Professor Roy Kelly of Duke University visited


On September 14, Professor Roy Kelly, School of public policy, Sanford, Duke University, visited us. Vice President he Huigang attended the meeting, companied by the heads from the International Exchange and Cooperation Department and the school of finance and public management, and faculty representatives.


He Huigang extended a warm welcome to Professor Roy Kelly, and introduced the school's location, advantages, subject setting, teaching faculty, student training and other aspects. He pointed out that the Sanford School of public policy and the school of Finance and public management have a high degree of professional matching and have a large potential for cooperation. He hoped that in the future, exchanges and cooperation could be strengthened in the fields of teacher and student exchanges, mutual visits and joint scientific research.


Professor Roy Kelly thanked our school for the warm reception and introduced the basic situation of Sanford School of public policy from the aspects of development status, student training, teaching and research. He hoped that two schools can continue to conduct in-depth exchanges in discipline construction, scientific research cooperation, and academic visits of teachers, so as to promote common development.


The Sanford School of public policy of Duke University was founded in 1970 by Sanford, former president of Duke University. After more than 40 years of development, the school of public policy has become a famous center for modern policy research and analysis in the United States.
