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HBUE Students Won Third Prize in the Entrepreneurship Contest across Taiwan Straits


HBUE Students Won Third Prize in the Entrepreneurship Contest across Taiwan Straits


2015 Youth College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Contest across the Taiwan Strait (Hubei (Wuhan) Taiwan week) concluded. HBUE team that consists of 5 students from Department of Economics – Hu Shi, Wang Cong, Zhou Jufang, Gong Weisheng and Wang Detao, and 1 student from the School of Business Administration -- Wang Haowei, has won the third prize of the Contest. Team advisor is Dr. Tao Zhensheng from Department of Economics.


The contest was launched on June 24th, and more than 200 projects from Hubei and Taiwan compete in the contest.“Harmonious family” APP(Internet + Social Service), the project designed by HBUE students, stood out among 122 projects in provincial selection and represented Hubei along with another 9 projects, to compete with top 10 projects from Taiwan in the finals. After fierce competition, “Harmonious family” APP(Internet + Social Service) received third prize.


The contest was jointly organized by the Hubei Taiwan Affairs Office, Hubei Youth Federation, Wuhan Lin Kong Harbor Economic and Technological Development Zone, Taiwan Chinese Association of Young Entrepreneurs, Taiwan Young Entrepreneurs Federation, Taiwan Youth Commerce Federation and Wuhan Polytechnic University. This contest is the sub-activities of twelfth Hubei (Wuhan) Taiwan week, aiming to show the youth lifestyle and build a platform for youth exchanges between Hubei and Taiwan

