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Group of teacher and students from Swinburne University of Economics Australia visited HBUE


Professor Dr. Steffen of Swinburne University of Technology in Australia led a student delegation to visit our university. Vice President He Huigang, and the heads of the International Exchange and Cooperation Department, the School of International Education, the College of Law and Business and the student representatives attended the opening ceremony.


He Huigang welcomed the delegation of teachers and students and introduced the history, objectives, personnel training and foreign exchange of our school. He hoped that our university and Swinburne University of technology in Australia would continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, explore new areas of cooperation and promote common development.


Dr. Steffen, the group leader, thanked the school for its warm reception. He introduced the characteristics of talent cultivation and visiting activities of Swinburne University of Technology in Australia. The students of the visiting group introduced themselves in Chinese.


Teachers and students of the visiting group also watched the 70th anniversary celebration of the founding of People’s Republic of China and the evening party to welcome freshmen in 2019 held by our school at the track and field stadium of West District.


Since the cooperation between the two universities, the student delegation of Swinburne University of Technology has visited our university for the first time. The tour will last for 10 days. The students will study Chinese culture, martial arts, painting, cooking and other special courses in the school and participate in cultural visits outside the school.
