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Fang Jie: Let good things happen in college time


Fang Jie: Let good things happen in college time

-- Speech delivered at the opening ceremony for the 2022 fresh students

(September 13, 2022)

The principal Fang Jie

Teachers, parents and dear students,

Good morning.

After the hottest summer in the past 60 years, we finally meet here declaring the beginning of university life. Now, let's say to each other:Happy First Day of your university life. Take this opportunity, I really want to tell the teachers: Thank you for everything,please try your best teach them. Allow me to telleveryone's parents: Don't worry,we will look after your kid.

Wave to the past, move to the future, you start your own university life now. I still remember last month, Lei Jun, founder of Xiaomi, released a speech entitled "Always believe that good things will happen". At that time, the title instantly hit me: this is what I want to tell you for the new semester.  I'd like to write this essay with you on this topic and start a good university life with you.

Let us waiting for good things to happen

Good things happens is beautiful,exactly for your university life .What are you hoping for? Good teacher or a good friend? Beautiful library? Spacious bright wisdom classroom or the canteen food? That's it. Maybe more than that.

In order to live up to your expectations, Hubei University of Economics has been working hard, growing and making progress. This year marks the 20th anniversary and 115th anniversary of the establishment of the university. In the summer holiday, we successfully held a celebration meeting, which was attended by 180,000 people online and offline.  Colleges and universities in and outside the province witnessed the rapid development of the university.

One hundred and fifteen years ago, Zhang Zhidong, governor of Huguang Province, initiated "Hubei Commercial Middle School", which started the business education in our school and continues to this day. In 2002, following the trend of China's higher education reform, the former Hubei Commercial College, Wuhan Finance College and Hubei Provincial Planning Management Cadre College were merged and established, thus "Hubei University of Economics" was born and named.

In the past 20 years the university has moved from several campuses to the new campus now and become a modern one. In the past 20 years, we have persisted in development, and several generations of teachers and students of Hubei University of Economics have worked hard together to pursue their dreams, from the undergraduate program to the postgraduate program, and plan to do the Ph.D program. In the past 20 years, we have paid attention to basic development, strengthened ourselves, and made great efforts to provide students with higher quality learning experience. 30% majors from our university are first-class majors in Hubei province, the master of accounting is among the top 247 training units in China, and the proportion of doctordegree teachers ranks the top among the universities in Hubei Province. With the development of economics, management, law, literature, science and technology, art, sports and education, the university level has been grow up. Our university is becoming a students like, teachers belong to, society trusts, and development has good results place.

Let us believe good things will happen

At present, the world landscape has undergone tremendous changes. The COVID-19 pandemic is not over, Russia and Ukraine are still at war, bad weather is frequent, and national protectionism, unilateralism and bullying are constantly emerging. The global economy is facing challenges, and human society is also undergoing challenges. The domestic economy is also going through a hug examination. China's GDP grew only 2.5 percent in the first half of this year, the slowest rate in nearly two decades. The unemployment rate for 16 - to 24-year-olds hit a record high in July. Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei says the most important task for a company is to survive.

Our world is full of uncertainties, and your future lives can be interrupted by unexpected events: the group presentation you were preparing in the morning, then moved online by the pandemic in the afternoon.Long-planned outings could be postponed at any time due to the pandemic. You may also face difficulties: your dorm is not big enough, your major may not be your favorite, and you may not be interested in some courses. You will also have many questions: how to deal with the relationship with unfriendly roommates, what clubs should I choose, what should I do when classes are over, and how to plan for my future studies. It's not like the before when parents and teachers gave you answers, also there were no right answers for you to learn. "You have your plans, but the world has other plans." In this case, we can believe that:

The strong belief.Faith is like a torch, can light up your life; Faith is like steel, can make your life strong enough. On February 14, 1990, the Voyager 1 spacecraft, 6.4 billion kilometers away, took a picture of Earth. The image of the earth in the photo does not reach even one pixel. In the universe, the earth is like a speck of dust, and human beings are even smaller. What is the meaning of life with such a slight life? It depends on your perspective. When you give it a solemn mission, our limited life will give birth to infinite possibilities, when it is illuminated by the light of the ideal; our small individual has a burning power. In the future, faith is the cornerstone that we can stick to, whether we pursue postgraduate studies or seek employment or start a business. Even if life is small as moss flowers, should also bloom; Even if fast as a meteor, must shine.

The responsibilityto protect the country. Students have the idea of "sorrow before happiness" and "everyone is responsible for the development and collapse of a country" from a long time ago. At the beginning of the 20th century, countless young people sacrificed their lives for the resistance against foreign invaders, national independence, national prosperity and people's happiness. After the founding of New China, more young people made their own contributions to the socialist construction. In the 21st century, young students take part in epidemic prevention, flood control and fire fighting. There are such people beside us: your senior, Ma Xingke, who just graduated this year, is one of them. Twice he chose to join the army in Tibet; He returned to Wuhan to help during the epidemic. Through these things, you can feel his love for the country and people. You are not child of your parents anymore; From now on, you need to train yourself to take on the responsibility of the country.

Let's help good thingshappen

Cognition is no substitute for practice, which is a very long distance from knowing to doing, from doing to doing well, and We need a lot of effort to make it happen.

Please think from your heart.Finding problems, thinking about them, and solving them are the biggest differences when you enter university.Think not only about knowledge, but also about methods; Think not only about the major, but also about the logic behind the major, Think not only about studies, but also about life; Think about the future as well as the present.

Please study hard. Some students think they don't need study hard after the university entrance examination; they can play all the time because the parents not come with them; Also they think they can waste time because they are young ; Some students think that Hubei University of Economics is not project 985 and project 211, we don't need to work hard. It is a common phenomenon that they lower their standards for themselves and do not study well.

But I have to tell you that undergraduate study is very important and busy, can not relax.Too many books need to read, too many lessons need to study, too many things need to deal with.I also want to tell you that each university is unique in its own way.Hubei University of Economics is the only provincial public university of finance and economics in Hubei Province.We cultivate "ideal, capable and responsible" talents with strong practical ability, which can make you get what you want.I would also like to remind you that every graduation season, there are always some students who will not graduate because they can not pass the examination, and this number is on the rise.They all regretted not studying hard.At the same time, studying is also a responsibility, each of you may carry the expectations of the whole family, even the family, studying can make ordinary people change their fate, studying is still the most worthwhile thing in the world. In the best time for studying, do not waste your time.

Please be full of emotion for life. A good life is not only the length of life, but also the quality of life;The man who lives the best is not the rich, but the one who lives the most happily.You should see cherry blossom, lotus, osmanthus and plum blossom in the top 50 most beautiful campuses;You should make more good friends on campus and give play to your talents in the school community;You should travel to Wuhan by bus and experience this heroic city "every day is different" after the epidemic. Of course, we also hope that you can find love and work together in university.

Let us be part of good things

You are an indispensable part of Hubei University of Economics in the next 3-4 years. Whatever you turn out to be, we hope that you will make something of yourself and be a happy memory of our university.

Please be a moral person. Rousseau said in The Social Contract thatman was born free, and he is everywhere in chains. Awe is the most basic quality of human beings and the most indispensable moral character of an outstanding nation. Because of awe, we know what is good and evil and what is right and wrong; We have rules of conduct. Respect nature, life, laws, rules, and all that is noble in our hearts.

Please be a pure and kind person.Yu Minhong, a successful entrepreneur who founded New Oriental Education & Technology Group and let countless students go abroad to see the world, has been praised by people again after the national policy change and transformation.He said that he was the least noticed country boy in his university life, doing service work for his roommate for four years and being a good guy for four years.His roommate supported him during his start-up and career downturns, proving the words of French writer Victor Hugo: "Kindness is a rare pearl in history, so that a good man is almost superior to a great man." As long as you are kind, you will succeed in the end.

Please be an interesting person.Interesting people are curious about the world and open to everything. Interesting comes from books, history, art, science. Interesting also comes from life, with the eyes to find beauty, with the hand to achieve beauty. I like Romain Rolland's words: "There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, after recognizing the truth of life, still love life". Start today to be the hero of your life.

Please be a person who can find happiness.People's life, has been looking for happiness. Last Thursday, a psychologist gave a lecture on happiness to teachers. He said happiness = satisfaction + pleasure + meaning + engagement. Animals can get physical satisfaction, but mental pleasure can only be obtained by human beings. Happiness is not only thinking and weighing, happiness is practice and action, we may pay great efforts and suffering for happiness, but this will make the feeling of happiness more intense, because "love and suffering will bring meaning to people", so we should work hard, take it as a life lesson, towards happiness.

This season, osmanthus flowers bloom, maple leaves are red, this should be the best time of the year, "autumn is more beautiful than early spring", refers to this time. But now the beauty season is after the winter's cold, the spring's rainy, the summers' hot to get.Life is like this too, university life is like this too. You may experience confusion and failure, but as long as your heart is full of hope, all the good things will come, your university life will be worth remembering after graduation, Hubei University of Economics will become better because of you.

I hope all the good things come to you soon.




校长  方洁











  当今之世,全球正经历百年未有之大变局,新冠疫情肆虐、俄乌冲突持续、极端天气频发,国家保护主义、单边主义、霸凌主义逆流而动,经济全球化和全球治理进程正遭遇空前冲击,人类社会正面临前所未有挑战。国内经济也在直面巨大考验,今年上半年全国GDP同比增长2.5 %,除去 2020年因疫情影响的特殊年份,这个数据为近20年来最低水平。刚刚过去的7月,在大学毕业生人数创历史新高的同时,1624岁青年失业率也在挑战历史新高。华为创始人任正非已在喊话,要把活下来作为企业当前最主要任务,要把寒气传递给每个人。

















