

   姓 名:  彭莎

   职  称: 副教授、资源与环境经济学系主任

   E-Mail  pengshahuanke@126.com





2015.8-2015.12 武汉大学“博士研究生短期出国研修资助项目” 美国马塞诸塞大学学术交流

2011.9-2016.12 武汉大学资源与环境学院环境科学 理学博士(硕博连读)

2006.9-2010.6  武汉大学资源与环境学院环境科学 理学学士



2010.7—2011.7 作为“武汉大学第二十届研究生支教团”成员,赴罗田大崎乡支教

2017.7—至今   湖北经济学院 经济与环境资源学院



  • Zhen Wang; Can Cui; Sha Peng*; How do Urbanization and Consumption Patterns Affect Carbon Emissions in China? A Decomposition Analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 211: 1201-1208

  • Zhen Wang*; Can Cui; Sha Peng*; Critical sectors and paths for climate change mitigation within supply chain networks, Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 226: 30-36.

  • Ju Wang; Zhen Wang*; Sha Peng*; Cai Li; Liyuan Wei; Tracing CO2 emissions of China's construction sector, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 275: 124165.

  • Zhen Wang; Xiao Wang; Sha Peng*; Lei Ming; Can Cui*; Beibei Niu; Interactions between households and industrial sectors in embodied carbon emission networks, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 275: 123809.

  • Lina Zhang; Donghui Chen; Sha Peng*; Qinghua Pang; Fangjuan Li; Carbon emissions in the transportation sector of Yangtze River Economic Belt decoupling drivers and inequality, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2020,27: 21098-21108.

  • Sha Peng, Zheng Tang, Wei Jiang, Di Wu, Song Hong*, and Baoshan Xing*. Mechanism and performance for adsorption of 2-chlorophenol onto zeolite with surfactant by one-step process from aqueous phase. Science of the Total Environment, 2017(581-582): 550558.  

  • Sha Peng, Kunyan Hao, Yucheng Guo, Feng Han, Beibei Niu, Xu Zhang, Zhen Wang, Song Hong. Enhanced removal of bisphenol-AF onto chitosan-modified zeolite by sodium cholate in aqueous solutions. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015 (130): 364-371.   

  • Sha Peng, Qinghui Zeng, Yucheng Guo, Beibei Niu, Xu Zhang and Song Hong. Defluoridation from aqueous solution by chitosan modified natural zeolite. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2013 (88): 17071714.

  • Qinghui Zeng, Sha Peng, Min Liu, Zijian Song, Xiankai Wang, Xu Zhang, Song Hong. Solubilization and adsorption behaviors of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol in the presence of surfactants. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013 (230): 202209.  

  • Zheng Tang, Sha Peng, Shuya Hu, Song Hong. Enhanced Removal of Bisphenol-AF by Activated Carbon-Alginate Beads with Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017 (495): 191-199.

  • Beibei Niu, Song Hong*, Jiefei Yuan, Sha Peng, Zhen Wang, Xu Zhang. Global trends in sediment-related research in earth science during 19922011: a bibliometric analysis, Scientometrics, 2014 (98): 511529.  


  • 2020年,教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目,20YJC790104,收入群体异质性及其消费模式变化对居民消费碳排放的影响机制研究,2020-01至2022-12,8万元,主持;

  • 2017年,湖北省教育厅科研计划青年项目,Q20182202,基于社会网络分析对大学生环境意识结构变迁的研究,2017-09至2019-10,2万元,主持;

  • 2014年,武汉市应用基础研究计划项目“苯酚类环境污染事故中商品化吸附剂和增溶剂筛选机制研究与数据库开发”(201406010101010063)主要参与人;

  • 2014年,国家自然科学基金“助剂与工业纳米颗粒对手性农药在土壤中吸附和降解的影响机制” (21477091)参与人;

  • 2012年,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划“突发水环境事故中商品化吸附剂筛选机制研究与数据库开发”(NCET-12-0429) 主要参与人;

  • 2011年,《武汉市旅游环境承载量评估研究报告》及《武汉市旅游景区(点)承载量评价技术规范》(250000138)主要参与人;

  • 2011年,日本国际协力机构JICA资助的中日合作项目《围绕中国南水北调中线工程水资源保护的环境教育教材开发与环境人才培养》中方主要研究人员。



  • “第31届国际经济政策研究国际学术研讨会暨第六届市场导向的绿色低碳发展国际研讨会”,日本名古屋大学,2019

  • The 3rd Water Research conference国际学术研讨会,中国深圳,2015

  •  “The 8th International Workshop on Sustainable Asia 2014中日国际学术研讨会,日本横滨,2014

  •  “2013 International Environmental Conference & Workshops,美国洛杉矶,2013

  •  “The 7th International Workshop on Sustainable Asia 2012中日国际学术研讨会,日本横滨,2012
